Joe the Home Pro

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Why Should I Hire a Home Watch Professional?

I get this question all the time...why should I hire someone to watch my home while I am not here? There are maybe a million reasons but let me give you an example of just one.

Last week, a family left their condo and went out for the day to explore Southwest Florida. Upon returning home several hours later, they noticed a strong smell in their condo. It turns out that the entire building's plumbing system had failed and sewage was backing up in their toilets and even their bathtubs!!

The Homeowner's Association called out the plumber to fix the problem and the homeowner's were told that they could leave to go to dinner and it would be fixed in a timely manner. When they returned home from dinner, the HOA representative told them that if they came back a few minutes later, their screen would have been cut so the plumber could gain access to their condo. Screens cut?!?!?

It also turns out that their condo, and specifically the kids bathroom, is where the clean out is located (which is illegal but that is a different story). So the toilet was in the middle of their hallway while the plumber fixed the pipes.

These people are year-round residents and the above story is true. But what would you do if you found out, while living 2,000 miles away, that there was raw sewage in your condo and your screens were cut? I bet you wished you had a home watch professional to look after your place and deal with issues like the one mentioned above.

Here is another true story...a seasonal resident who lives in a high-story condo complex in Naples left for the summer to head back to Ohio. They did everything that you are supposed to before leaving including shutting off their main water supply. Their neighbor above them, also a seasonal resident, also left for the summer except he did not shut off his water.

Throughout the summer a small leak in the bathroom in the upper floor condo became a major problem which eventually led to the ceiling being ripped down along with the walls and floor due to the water damage. The person did not have a home watch professional because if they did, the home watch professional would have noticed this issue and taken the necessary steps to prevent it from becoming a larger problem immediately. This ended up costing the homeowner lots of money and had to file an insurance claim...all because they did not want to hire the right person to watch their home.

There are thousands of stories like this!

I never understand someone who spends $200,000 on a seasonal condo in Naples and does not want to pay a marginal monthly fee to make sure their investment is protected and looked after properly.  

We offer two plans for home watch: weekly and bi-monthly. Why not monthly? Because too many things can go wrong in a month's time.

Our job is to look for problems before they happen. We are trained to know what temperature to put your thermostat on, to run your disposal and dishwasher regularly, to look for leaks and cracks and check for unwanted pests among other things.

Call us today for rates and availability. Protect yourself and your investment before it's too late!